Thursday, June 27, 2013

To reduce stress you must reduce expections

I use to get road rage because of the slow moving traffic, annoyed at long lines in the grocery store, angry when I died to often at Halo, and down right pissed off when people gossip about me.  If we don't expect a movie to be incredible, we are not disappointed when it falls short of being entertaining.  A simple agreement to never intentionally harm one another is sufficient to solidify a healthy and long lasting relationship with the people close to you. We are disconnected by a society that advertises overnight deliveries, 24-hour customer service, instant messaging, fast food, express lanes, and 5 hour energy shots. We are constantly encouraged to expect what we want, how we want it, and right away. This mentality leaves no room for learning patience, tolerance, listening.

Only when you slow down, smell the air after a thunderstorm, chew your food, and breathe consciously will you be able to be kind to yourself and others. Your disappointments will dissipate when you release the exceptions that the world should fulfill you.