Monday, August 27, 2012

Tao Of Remi

Have you every heard that people tend to look like there dogs?  We should also consider acting as they do.  A Dogs life in unfairly short, yet they seem content. Is it because they do not know of death, or is it because they are focused on living?

Here are a few lessons I have picked up from this pup. Her name is Remi, and this is what she has taught me.

Find something you love to do, and do it over and over.
Just as Remi can play fetch all day, find something you love and start doing it. Set fire to your passion, it will trigger a sense of euphoria, and you will get better the more you practice.  

Breathe deeply
Remi breathes deeply mainly to regulate body temperature. Breathing may not make us feel any cooler, but it will lower our stress level by regulating our emotional temperature.  Breathe in, pause, breathe out. 

Shake it off
Showers are not Remi's friend, but as soon as she gets out she shakes that shit off and moves on. Wether your "shower" is emotional, physical, or simply something you didn't want to do, when it's done, shake it off. Life is to short to soak in your sorrows. 

When you see someone you love, greet them as if were the last time you will see them.
If you love someone, show them daily.  Make them aware of it, even if it is already obvious. 

When you are happy "wag your tail" 
You don't have to be a good dancer to dance. All you need is a smile in your heart. Dance at least once a day, even if its just a short little jig. 

When someone is having a bad day, sit close, be silent, and nuzzle them gently. 
Sometimes its the doing, not the saying that people need. 

Friday, August 24, 2012

Protect the purity, of your heart's heart.

Cut down your craving

Continue your days modestly

Drive out and chase

Away your evil

Return home

Follow, your true nature

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Live for the moment, if only for a moment

Pain is inevitable, yet how you handle those painful moments is what causes suffering, not the moment in and of itself. The only control one has, is of their own behavior.

Your life is a gift to yourself. Accept it graciously.  Everyday dance at least once, everyday laugh at least once.